To find out how much money you would save on car 1, you would multiply the sticker price by the discount percentage (expressed as a decimal). In this case, that would be $20,000.00 x 0.23 = $4,600.00. So you would save $4,600.00 on car 1.
To find out how much money you would save on car 2, you would multiply the sticker price by the discount percentage (expressed as a decimal). In this case, that would be $17,000.00 x 0.10 = $1,700.00. So you would save $1,700.00 on car 2.
Based on the calculations, Car 1 would be a better deal. Even though Car 2 is cheaper by $3,000.00 before discount, Car 1 saves more on discount of $4,600.00 compared to Car 2's $1,700.00. So Car 1 would be more affordable overall.