1) The trick to making these fractions equivalent is to make sure they have the same denominator. to do this you need to know your multiplication facts. These are the multiples when you multiply two numbers together.
2) Since 24 is the largest denominator, you need the smallest denominator into 24ths, which you do by multiplying 8 x 3, giving you 24.
3) Whatever you do to the denominator, you do to the numerator, so multiply 5 x 3, which is 15.
4) New fraction for 5/8 becomes 15/24.
5) So 5/8 is equivalent. to 15/24.
5/8 = x/24
5 x 3 = 15
8 x 3 24
Proof: Reduce 15/24 by dividing 3 into both numbers (15÷3) and (24÷3) = 5/8.