Adam's relationship with Congress during his presidency can be described as contentious. He faced significant opposition from the Republican-controlled Congress, which led to many of his legislative initiatives being defeated. He also vetoed more bills than any other President before him, which further strained his relationship with Congress.
Adam's presidency was marked by a struggle with the Federalist-controlled Congress over the power of the presidency, and the role of the federal government in general. The Federalists, who controlled Congress, believed in a strong central government, while the Republicans, of which Adam was a member, advocated for states' rights and a weaker federal government.
The conflict between Adam and Congress was further exacerbated by Adam's tendency to bypass Congress and rely on executive orders and other presidential powers to achieve his goals. This led to criticism of Adam for overstepping the bounds of his office, and to his being labeled as a "usurper" by his political opponents.
Overall, Adam's relationship with Congress had a negative impact on his presidency, limiting his ability to achieve his legislative goals, and causing the public and his political opponents to question the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government.