Preparation phase:
The thrower faces the direction they want to throw the frisbee and takes a few steps back to create space and momentum.
The thrower grips the frisbee with their middle, ring, and pinky fingers on top of the frisbee and their index finger underneath the frisbee.
The thrower lifts the frisbee up to shoulder level with their arm bent and the frisbee resting on their shoulder.
Execution phase:
The thrower pivots their back foot and pushes off with their front foot to generate power and rotation.
The thrower extends their arm and straightens their elbow, using their shoulder and wrist to flick the frisbee forward.
The thrower releases the frisbee with a snap of the wrist, causing the frisbee to spin and fly through the air.
Follow-through phase:
The thrower continues to rotate their body and follow through with their arm after releasing the frisbee, allowing for a smooth and fluid motion.
The thrower adjusts their balance and posture to prepare for the next throw or to move to catch a returned frisbee.