Here is some pseudocode that outlines the steps for creating a program that calculates overall final marks and outputs the necessary grades for a desired overall mark:
DEFINE a function called "calculate_final_mark"
INPUT: grades (list), weights (list), desired_mark (float)
CREATE a variable called "overall_mark" and set it to 0
FOR each grade and weight in the grades and weights lists:
MULTIPLY the grade by the weight
ADD the result to the overall_mark
IF overall_mark equals the desired_mark:
OUTPUT "You have already achieved the desired mark."
CREATE a variable called "needed_mark" and set it equal to the desired_mark minus the overall_mark
OUTPUT "You need a" needed_mark "on your next assessment to achieve a" desired_mark "overall mark."
END the function
Here is the equivalent code in Python:
def calculate_final_mark(grades, weights, desired_mark):
overall_mark = 0
for grade, weight in zip(grades, weights):
overall_mark += grade * weight
if overall_mark == desired_mark:
print("You have already achieved the desired mark.")
needed_mark = desired_mark - overall_mark
print(f"You need a {needed_mark} on your next assessment to achieve a {desired_mark} overall mark.")