Answers in bold and underlined. [See full attached image]
Answer 1: Los estudiantes piensan que la prueba de español es difícil.
Translation 1: The students think that the Spanish test is difficult.
Answer 2: Mis amigos y yo pensamos que no hay clases el lunes.
Translation 2: My friends and I think there is no school on Monday.
Answer 3: Carolina piensa que su amiga llega a las diez de la noche.
Translation 3: Carolina thinks that her friend arrives at ten at night.
Answer 4: Lucy y Jacqueline quieren ir de compras esta tarde.
Translation 4: Lucy and Jacqueline want to go shopping this afternoon.
Answer 5: Mis estudiantes quieren ir a comer a un restaurante mexicano.
Translation 5: My students want to go eat at a Mexican restaurant.
Answer 6: Yo quiero estudiar y tener un mejor trabajo.
Translation 6: I want to study and have a better job.
Answer 7: Las clases empiezan muy temprano por la mañana.
Translation 7: Classes start very early in the morning.
Answer 8: Ellos empiezan la práctica a las tres de la tarde.
Translation 8: They start practice at three in the afternoon.
Answer 9: Tu y César empiezan la tarea bien tarde.
Translation 9: You and César start homework very late.
Answer 10: El director prefiere que los estudiantes vengan temprano a la escuela.
Translation 10: The principal prefers that students come to school early.
Answer 11: Miguel prefiere jugar baloncesto que fútbol americano.
Translation 11: Miguel prefers to play basketball than football.
Answer 12: Andres, Adrian, Antonio y yo preferimos dar el examen esta tarde.
Translation 12: Andres, Adrian, Antonio and I prefer to take the exam this afternoon.
Answer 13: El payaso divierte a los niños en la fiesta de cumpleaño.
Translation 13: The clown amuses children at the birthday party.
Answer 14: El estudiante de la segunda hora divierte a los estudiantes de su clase.
Translation 14: The second hour student amuses the students in his class.
Answer 15: Yo divierto a muchos niños de primer grado.
Translation 15: I amuse many first graders.
Answer 16: Nosotros merendamos una ensalada de fruta por la tarde.
Translation 16: We snack on a fruit salad in the afternoon.
Answer 17: Alejandro merienda una empanada de queso con café.
Translation 17: Alejandro snacks on a cheese empanada with coffee.
Answer 18: Juanita y Elizabeth meriendan una hamburguesa con papas fritas en McDonald's.
Translation 18: Juanita and Elizabeth snack on a hamburger and fries at McDonald's.