Answers in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Linda y yo estamos aprendiendo matemáticas en la escuela este año.
Translation 1: Linda and I are learning math at school this year.
Answer 2: Él es el chico más guapo de la clase. Le gusta jugar deportes también.
Translation 2: He is the most handsome boy in the class. He likes to play sports too.
Answer 3: ¿Qué hizo Carlos por su cumpleaños el año pasado?
Translation 3: What did Carlos do for his birthday last year?
Answer 4: Alfredo es de Puerto Rico. Él es puertorriqueño.
Translation 4: Alfredo is from Puerto Rico. He is puerto rican.
Answer 5: Ayer, nosotros nos divertimos mucho en la fiesta de Ana.
Translation 5: Yesterday, we had a lot of fun at Ana's party.
Answer 6: Cuando te pregunté sobre la tarea de inglés, no oí bien lo que dijiste, y me equivoqué de ejercicio.
Translation 6: When I asked you about the English homework, I didn't quite hear what you said, and I got the wrong exercise.
Answer 7: Ricardo y Damián son de Panamá. Son panameños.
Translation 7: Ricardo and Damian are from Panama. They are Panamanian.
Answer 8: Yo siempre me lavo los dientes antes de acostarme.
Translation 8: I always brush my teeth before going to bed.
Answer 9: Elena y Silvia se vistieron muy bien anoche.
Translation 9: Elena and Silvia dressed very well last night.
Answer 10: Ayer, nosotros fuimos a un restaurante.
Translation 10: Yesterday we went to a restaurant.
II. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.
11. I get up at six every day. (Me levanto a las seis todos los días.)
12. Ricardo is going to do the homework. (Ricardo va a hacer la tarea.)
13. Talking is prohibited. (Está prohibido hablar.)
14. It's necessary to study. (Es necesario estudiar.)
15. I was sick yesterday. (Ayer estaba enfermo.)
III. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph below with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses. Remember to provide the appropriate verb tenses and adjective forms.
Hola, Ana. Yo no te escribí ayer porque no tuve mucho tiempo. Anoche estuvimos cenando en un restaurante con mis amigos del campamento. Alberto comió langosta. Mario y Ángela se reían mucho. Todos nosotros nos divertimos mucho anoche. Mario es de Costa Rica; él es costarricense. Ángela es de El Salvador; ella es salvadoreña. Tengo que darte una noticia, Alberto y yo somos novios. ¡Estoy tan contenta! Bueno, Ana, ya te escribo más mañana.
Translation: Hello, Ana. I didn't write to you yesterday because I didn't have much time. Last night we were having dinner in a restaurant with my friends from the camp. Alberto ate lobster. Mario and Angela laughed a lot. We all had a lot of fun last night. Mario is from Costa Rica; he is costa rican. Angela is from El Salvador; she is salvadoran I have to give you some news, Alberto and I are dating. I am so happy! Well, Ana, I'll write you more tomorrow.