Select TWO sentences from "Turning Hardship Into Activism that develop the claim that Ashe
made the world a more equitable place, both on and off the court.
"Ashe was the first Black tennis player to compete in the Maryland Boys'
Championship, thus integrating the competition." (paragraph 4)
"Barred from that path, he instead moved in with a teacher and tennis coach in
St. Louis to finish high school and compete in integrated matches." (paragraph 6)
"Ashe continued trying to gain entry to the South African Open for years to come,
becoming an anti-apartheid activist along the way." (paragraph 8)
"However, thanks to Ashe's decision to speak out, South Africa was barred from
participating in the international Davis Cup championship, which hurt the
country's worldwide tennis standings." (paragraph 9)
"His experience inspired him to advocate for heart health, especially since Black
Americans are 30% more likely than their white peers to suffer from heart
disease." (paragraph 10)