Answers in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Tú estás cansado porque tienes que estudiar mucho.
Translation 1: You are tired because you have to study a lot.
Answer 2: Miguel está contento porque saca una buena nota en la clase de álgebra.
Translation 2: Miguel is happy because he gets a good grade in algebra class.
Answer 3: Ustedes están nerviosos porque tienen mucho que hacer.
Translation 3: You are nervous because you have a lot to do.
Answer 4: Mis hermanos y yo estamos tranquilos porque hoy es sábado.
Translation 4: My brothers and I are calm because today is Saturday.
Answer 5: Yo estoy triste porque saque una mala nota en la clase de español.
Translation 5: I'm sad because I got a bad grade in Spanish class.
Step-by-step explanation:
To be is an irregular verb in the present indicative in the Spanish language. It is used to talk about the state or condition of something or someone in the present. For example, if we want to say that someone is tired, we use the form "is tired". If we want to say that something is broken, we use the form "is broken". It is important to note that estar should not be confused with ser, another irregular verb in the present indicative in Spanish. Being is used to talk about the identity or essence of something or someone, while being refers to the state or condition in the present. For example, if we want to say that someone is tall, we use the form "is tall". If we want to say that something is on the table, we use the form "is on the table".