We can use increasingly specific terms to describe numbers and categories they fit in such as rational and irrational numbers.
Rational Numbers
A rational number is defined as a number that can be written as a non-complex fraction. Another way to say this is that rational decimals will always either terminate or repeat. For example, if you have 0.333 repeating forever, that would be a rational number.
The number we are given, -1.63, terminates. Thus, it must be a rational number. Additionally, -1.63 can be written as
, so it is a rational number.
Other Categories
As stated above, there are lots of categories numbers can fall into. Rational and irrational are extremely broad groups that all real numbers can fit into. Integers, whole numbers, and natural numbers are all more specific groups that include fewer and fewer numbers. Integers are all rational numbers that are not fractions or decimals. Whole numbers are all non-negative integers. Natural numbers are all non-zero whole numbers.