If I could live anywhere, it would be in the mountains of Colorado.
My biggest fear is spiders.
My favorite family vacation was a trip to Disney World.
If I could change anything about myself, it would be my self-confidence. What makes me angry is when people don't respect others.
What motivates me to work hard is knowing that I am contributing to something meaningful.
My favorite thing about my career is that it is constantly changing.
My biggest complaint about my job is the long hours.
My proudest accomplishment is completing college.
My child's proudest accomplishment is making the school track team.
My favorite book to read is The Great Gatsby.
What makes me laugh the most is watching comedy films.
The last movie I went to was Wonder Woman and I enjoyed it.
When I was small, I wanted to be an astronaut.
My child wants to be a game developer when he grows up.