Answer:Exaggeration: The representation of something in an excessive or exaggerated way, often for comic effect.
Anticipation: The act of looking forward to or expecting something. In comedy, anticipation can be used to build tension or create a sense of expectation, which can be released through laughter.
Incongruity: The state of being incongruous, or not fitting together in a logical or harmonious way. In comedy, incongruity is often used to create humorous situations by presenting elements that are unexpected or out of place.
Ambiguity: The state of being ambiguous, or having more than one possible interpretation. In comedy, ambiguity can be used to create confusion or misunderstandings, which can be resolved through laughter.
Protection: The act of protecting oneself or others from harm or danger. In comedy, protection can be used as a means of coping with difficult or uncomfortable situations, leading to laughter as a release of tension.
Recognition: The act of recognizing or identifying something or someone. In comedy, recognition can be used to create humor by presenting familiar elements in unexpected or absurd ways.
Relief: The act of releasing or easing tension, anxiety, or stress. In comedy, relief can be achieved through laughter, which can serve as a release valve for pent-up emotions.
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