Answers in bold and underlined.
Posesivos Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjectives.
Answer 1: Tus libros están en la mesa.
Translation 1: Your books are on the table.
Answer 2: Es su nieto.
Translation 2: It's his grandson.
Answer 3: Nuestros abuelos son simpáticos.
Translation 3: Our grandparents are nice.
Answer 4: Es mi primo.
Translation 4: He is my cousin.
Answer 5: Sus tíos son de Perú.
Translation 5: His uncles are from Peru.
2.) ¿De quién es? Rewrite the sentences using possessive adjectives. Follow the model. Each one is worth 2 points each.
- Modelo: Yo tengo libros de matemáticas. Son mis libros.
Answer 1: El profesor tiene tiza. Son sus tizas.
Translation 1: The teacher has chalk. They are his chalk.
Answer 2: Tú tienes mochilas. Son tus mochilas.
Translation 2: You have backpacks. They are your backpacks.
Answer 3: Los turistas tienen mapa. Son sus mapas.
Translation 3: Tourists have map. They are your maps.
Answer 4: Usted tiene cuadernos. Son sus cuadernos.
Translation 4: You have notebooks. They are your notebooks.
Answer 5: Nosotros tenemos papelera. Es nuestra papelera.