// Declare variables to hold the number of people attending Thanksgiving dinner and the votes for each pie type
let numPeople;
let pieVotes = {};
// Ask the user for the number of people attending Thanksgiving dinner
numPeople = prompt("How many people are coming to Thanksgiving dinner?");
// Continually ask the user for the number of votes for each pie type until a viable value is found
while (true) {
// Ask the user for the number of votes for each pie type = prompt("How many votes for apple pie?");
pieVotes.pumpkin = prompt("How many votes for pumpkin pie?");
pieVotes.pecan = prompt("How many votes for pecan pie?");
pieVotes.cherry = prompt("How many votes for cherry pie?");
// Check that the number of votes given is acceptable based on the number of people attending dinner
if (checkVotes(pieVotes, numPeople)) {
} else {
console.log("Invalid vote count. Please try again.");
// Calculate the total number of votes and the number of people who did not vote
let totalVotes = 0;
for (let pie in pieVotes) {
totalVotes += pieVotes[pie];
let numNotVoted = numPeople - totalVotes;
// Print the votes for each pie type, the total vote count, and the number of people who did not vote
console.log(`Apple pie: ${} votes`);
console.log(`Pumpkin pie: ${pieVotes.pumpkin} votes`);
console.log(`Pecan pie: ${pieVotes.pecan} votes`);
console.log(`Cherry pie: ${pieVotes.cherry} votes`);
console.log(`Total vote count: ${totalVotes}`);
console.log(`Number of people who did not vote: ${numNotVoted}`);
// Check that the number of votes given is acceptable based on the number of people attending dinner
function checkVotes(votes, numPeople) {
let totalVotes = 0;
for (let pie in votes) {
totalVotes += votes[pie];
return totalVotes <= numPeople;