1. The impact of the arrival of Europeans in effect the Indigenous people in many ways. The Europeans colonizing and taking away land from the Indigenous people. The land being taken away killed and destroyed the Indigenous peoples homes and families.
2. The life in American colonies had created a sense of sovereignty and nationhood by them surviving independently. King George the Third at that time did not care for the colonies. Which had caused the colonies to feel resent and independence. They were own their own in the new colonies with no help from the King.
3. The British kings relationship with the colonies was one sided. The Colonies adored and worshiped the king. The king had shown no interest in the colonies. So in anger slowly the colonies resented the King. After the French and Indian war was really war most people in the colonies resented King George. The war had ended up causing many taxes, which people rebelled. They rebelled by doing things like, boycotting, burning papers, harassing soldiers, and more. Which then finally led to the King sending British troops to the Colonies. Causing the American Revolution.