There is a difference in collecting information about a number, such as height, versus a subjective value, such as favorite ice cream. One can be quantified, and the other is described. This is the difference between categorical and numerical variables. Categorical variables may also be described as qualitative variables. Numerical variables may also be described as quantitative variables.
Not all data that use numbers are truly numerical. For example, if you survey individuals to get their area code, the result will show a variety of numbers. However, area codes are not a value that is logical to use for analysis. It is not useful to take the average of a group of social security numbers either. Use caution when classifying variables.
A bar graph or bar chart is typically used to represent categorical data.
Bar charts are used to represent categorical univariate data.
Hey man, I studied hard and aced my exam which included this question. Sucks when someone doesn't know their stuff right? Here is the correct answer and my explanation is directly from my teachers mouth.