To solve this problem using long division, you can follow these steps:
Divide 17 by 76 to get a quotient of 0 with a remainder of 17.
Write the quotient, 0, above the division bar and the remainder, 17, below the division bar.
Bring down the next digit in the dividend, which is 0, and place it after the remainder. Now you have 170 as the dividend and 76 as the divisor.
Divide 170 by 76 to get a quotient of 2 with a remainder of 18.
Write the quotient, 2, above the division bar and the remainder, 18, below the division bar.
Bring down the next digit in the dividend, which is 0, and place it after the remainder. Now you have 180 as the dividend and 76 as the divisor.
Divide 180 by 76 to get a quotient of 2 with a remainder of 4.
Write the quotient, 2, above the division bar and the remainder, 4, below the division bar.
Since there are no more digits in the dividend, you can stop here.
The final answer is 0 &frac23.