To use a number line to solve this problem, we first need to convert 3 3/4 cups of sugar to a mixed number with a whole number and a fraction. We can do this by dividing 3 by 4 and then adding the result to 3.
3 / 4 = 0.75
3 + 0.75 = 3.75 cups
Now that we have the total number of cups of sugar as a mixed number, we can use a number line to divide it by 2. We do this by finding the halfway point between 0 and 3.75 on the number line. This point is at 1.875 cups.
1 3/4 cups 1 3/4 cups
Since there are 2 batches of cookies, and we found that each batch uses 1 3/4 cups of sugar, we can say that the number of cups of sugar per batch is 1 3/4 cups.