1. The word "oleomargarine" has four syllables.
2. The word "rationalize" is a verb.
3. The regular superlative form of "good" is "best."
4. The English language originated from a combination of languages, including Old English, which was a Germanic language, and Latin.
5. The original meaning of the word "college" referred to a community of people living together for a common purpose, such as a group of clergy living together.
6. "Protect" is not a synonym of "exterminate."
7. A word that is in common use in the language but today is found only sporadically or in special context would be labeled as "archaic."
8. The correct plural of the noun "attorney" is "attorneys."
9. The primary stress on one syllable of a word is called the "accent."
10. There are 8 parts of speech.
11. The first recorded use of the transitive word "emulsify" was in the year 1728.
12. The three primary types of usage labels are "formal," "informal," and "archaic."
13. The usage label that best describes a word used in casual conversation, in letters to friends, and in informal talks is "informal."
14. The term "habeas corpus" is now recognized as a component of English. The language of origin of that term is Latin.
15. The abbreviation PhD. stands for "Doctor of Philosophy."