Step-by-step explanation:
To implement the web interface for iGSE, you will need to consider the following requirements:
User authentication: Residents should be able to create an account and log in to the platform to submit meter readings and view their bills.
Meter reading submission: Residents should be able to submit their meter readings on a regular basis, either manually or by connecting their meter to the platform through a smart meter or other device.
Bill calculation and display: The platform should be able to calculate the residents' energy bills based on the meter readings and display them in an easily understandable format.
Payment processing: The platform should allow residents to pay their bills using energy vouchers provided by the government.
Data visualization: The platform should provide residents with tools to visualize their energy consumption data and compare it to previous periods or to the average consumption in Shangri-La.
To implement the REST API for energy consumption data, you will need to consider the following requirements:
Data storage: The API should be able to store energy consumption data submitted by residents through the iGSE platform or other sources.
Data access: The API should provide a way for users to access the stored energy consumption data, either by searching for specific data points or by retrieving data for a specific time period or location.
Data security: The API should ensure the privacy and security of the stored data, including protecting against unauthorized access or tampering.
Data formatting: The API should provide the data in a format that is easy for developers to use, such as JSON or XML.