The Marxian theory of the origin of the state is based on the idea that the state arises as a result of class conflict and serves to maintain the power and privileges of the ruling class. According to Karl Marx, the state is not a neutral entity that exists to serve the common good, but rather a tool used by the ruling class to oppress and exploit the working class.
Marx believed that the state originated in ancient societies as a way for the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the means of production. As societies became more complex and the division of labor increased, the state became more centralized and powerful, with a professional bureaucracy and standing army to enforce the rules and maintain order.
In capitalist societies, Marx argued that the state serves to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) and maintain their control over the means of production. The state enacts laws and regulations that benefit the bourgeoisie and maintain the capitalist economic system, while simultaneously suppressing the working class and maintaining social and economic inequality.
According to Marx, the state will eventually wither away under communism, as there will be no need for a centralized authority to maintain class distinctions and the means of production will be owned and controlled by the entire society.