The movement of the plates is related to the currents inside the mantle, a place where the ready sphere was generated millions of years ago.
Remember that this layer has many others below that are in motion, so the constant activity of them is framed as an endless cycle.
Step-by-step explanation:
Plate Tectonics is a unifying theory that explains a variety of geological features and events. It is based on a simple model of the Earth that states that the rigid lithosphere is fragmented, forming a mosaic of numerous pieces of various sizes in motion called plates, which fit together and vary in thickness according to its composition, whether oceanic crust, continental or mixed .
The lithosphere rests on the asthenosphere that is semi-plastic, hotter and weaker, so it is believed that some type of heat transfer system within the Earth, coming from the nucleus and the mantle, causes the lithospheric plates to move. Between 1923 and 1926, the Irish scientist John Joly proposed that, because of the poor thermal conductivity of the crust, the radioactive heat that is generated on Earth accumulates under the crust and melts the mantle, which causes thermal convection (convective heat transfer). This hypothesis was the basis of the theory of convection in the mantle, whose main exponent Griggs (1939), applied it to continental drift. Subsequently, A. Holmes (1944) postulated that convection could also take place in the solid mantle.
For all the above it is admitted that the earth's crust is fragmented into Tectonic Plates, which passively move thanks to convection currents. There are areas where the currents rise and others where the currents descend, being the weight of the sunken mass itself that drags the rest of the plate behind. This has been accepted but not yet determined.
The movement of the plates does not occur in a uniform way, there are areas where the movement is very slow, of the order of one hundredth of a millimeter a year and others in which the movement is very fast, of more than 10 cm per year. Similarly there are segments of the cortex that collide with each other and others in which this shock does not exist. These movements are called tectonics and are responsible for the appearance of mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, formation of folds and geological faults, expansion of oceans, displacement of continents and is also associated with mineral and oil deposits. The global configuration of the plates is unstable and is changing slowly but continuously.