By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone does NOT DO that much. Most of my friends wish they could HAVE their own smartphones because they are cool and trendy. They say the GOOD thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones are used mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games. Grown-ups as well as children, like playing games. Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my number ONE mobile phone. When I bought it, it didn’t cost me very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it. It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It flew down the staircase and hit the wall. I thought that would BE the end of it and I would have to buy a new one. But nothing of the kind – it still works properly!