352 can be separated by 300, 50, and 2. These numbers can produce 3 partial products.
302 can only produce 2 partial products because the only numbers to consider are 300 and 2. 0 is not considered because any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0.
481 ( 400 + 80 + 1)
x352 (300 + 50 + 2)
2 (2 x 1)
160 (2 x 80)
800 (2 x 400) Partial product 1 = 962
50 (50 x 1)
4000 (50 x 80)
20000 (50 x 400) Partial product 2 = 24,050
300 (300 x 1)
24000 (300 x 80)
120000 (300 x 400) Partial product 3 = 144,300