If it grows by 9% each year, you can simply do the current population times 109%. Because its an additional 9%.
230,000*109% = 250,700
After the first year, there is a population of 250,700 people.
250,700*109% = 273,263
After the second year, there is a population of 273,263 people.
273,263*109% = 297,856.67
After the third year, there is a population of 297,856.67 people.
297,856.67*109% = 324,663.77
After the fourth year, there is a population of 324,663.77 people.
324,663.77*109% = 353,883.509
After the fifth year, there is a population of 353,883.509 people.
353,883.509*109% = 385,733.025
After the sixth year, there is a population of 385,733.025 people
Round it up to 385,733 people.