The above description refers to a. Siddhartha Gautama.
Siddharta Gautama is the name used before he found his enlightenment. When he reached enlightenment, he became known as "Buddha".
He was under the Kshatriya caste and belonged to the Sahkya clan, where he was one of the Sahkya princes and is part of a politically powerful family. Despite living a life of affluence, he realized that he is not immune to suffering and decided to leave his lifestyle and search for enlightenment.
His search brought him the Four Noble Truths. These truths are:
1) Life has inevitable suffering
2) There is a cause to our suffering
3) There is an end to suffering
4) The end to suffering is contained in the eight fold path.
The eight fold path to end suffering are:
1) Right View
2) Right Intention
3) Right Speech
4) Right Action
5) Right Livelihood
6) Right Effort
7) Right Mindfulness
8) Right Concentration
One must practice these eight fold path to achieve happiness in life.