This is an easy rule to use. Whenever you have a fraction divide the numerator into the denominator to find the percentage. It's easiest to do with a calculator.
For example, 1/2 is 50%. We know that, but how did we get 50%?
1 divided by 2 is .5 All you have to do is add a zero.
1÷2=.5 ----> 50%
Now with your problem, all you have to do is apply the same rule.
1÷8= .125 Be careful though. This does NOT mean 125% This means 12.5% or if you want to round it, it's 13%. The only reason why is because wherever the number in the hundreds place is, that's where you add the decimal. This is because percentages are measured by 100.
So the answer is 12.5% because 1 ÷ 8= .125