The correct option is the first.
You can live without water for three to five days, nothing more.
When the organism begins to experience a notable decrease in water levels, an emergency system is activated with which the little that is still available in the body is optimized. As a result, the urine becomes darker and has a stronger smell and both the urge to urinate and salivation decrease. Then the cells begin to lose water, which travels to the blood, so they begin to contract. Finally, the organs begin to fail, usually beginning with the kidneys, which stop filtering the blood, with the accumulation of toxins that implies.
Human beings cannot store water, so we must replenish the water that is lost daily. Water is necessary for the proper functioning of our body, excretion of waste, evaporation of the lungs and skin.
A dry body cannot absorb or digest food. Bones are lost cushioning and become more prone to breakage, and infections. The body needs at least 8 glasses of water per day. This is to ensure that all cells and organs in the body are being adequately watered.