That's going to completely depend on the PLACE to which you want it rounded.
-- Rounded to the nearest ten, 7,008,267 becomes 7,008,270 .
-- Rounded to the nearest hundred, 7,008,267 becomes 7,008,300 .
-- Rounded to the nearest thousand, 7,008,267 becomes 7,008,000 .
-- Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 7,008,267 becomes 7,010,000 .
-- Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, 7,008,267 becomes
7,000,000 .
-- Rounded to the nearest million, 7,008,267 becomes 7,000,000 .
-- Rounded to the nearest ten million, 7,008,267 becomes 10,000,000 .
-- Rounded to the nearest hundred million or any higher order of
magnitude, 7,008,267 becomes zero.