The rounded value of given number to the nearest ten, one, and hundredth are 230, 225 and 225.29 respectively.
The given number is 225.286.
In the given number, before decimal
Place of first 2 is hundreds.
Place of second 2 is tens.
Place of 5 is ones.
Then we have a decimal ".". After decimal
Place of 2 is tenth.
Place of 8 is hundredth
Place of 6 is thousandth
(1) We need to round the given number to nearest ten. When we round a number to nearest ten, then we check the digit on ones place, if it is less than 5 then it is rounded to previous ten. otherwise it is rounded to next ten.
225.286 = 230.000
(2) We need to round the given number to nearest one. It means we will check the digit on tenth place.
225.286 = 225.000
(3) We need to round the given number to nearest hundredth. it means we will check the digit on thousandth place.
225.286 = 225.29