One way to compare is to find the price per gallon.
$24 for 4 gallons = 24÷4 = $6 per gallon
8 pack of 1 qt bottle give you 2 gallons (4qts= 1 gallon) So you get 2 gallons for $16
$16 ÷ 2 = $8.00 per gallon. Sweet and Sour has the higher unit price.
Even if we compare the price per quart we will get the same answer as to who is selling it at the higher unit price.
4gal for $24 = 16 quarts for $24 ( 1 gallon = 4 qts)
$24 ÷ 16 = $1.50 each (1

8 quarts for $16 $16 ÷ 8 = $2.00 per qt. Sweet and sour still has the higher unit price