The correct answer is A. It reorganized the government
Step-by-step explanation:
During Justian reign during the fourth century in the Byzantine Empire, all the Roman law was revised and rewrote in different documents known as the Justinian Code as it was the emperor Justinian who revised the Roman law and wrote new documents that included important judicial reforms. The Justinian Code included a compilation of the old laws and a collection of the new laws created by Justinian in four documents the Novellae Constitutiones Post Codicem, the Digesta, the Codex Constitutionum, and the Intitutiones, in these documents Justinian included important changes in the government providing more power to the military and ministers, but increasing control over administrative organizations. Also, all the emperor's reforms aimed at recovering the greatness of the Roman Empire and made it as powerful as it was in the past. Thus, the Justinian code made the Byzantine Empire more powerful by legislative reforms that reorganized the government.