Surface area in a ladder
There are 6 surface steps, 3 horizontal , 3 vertical
Area of 1 horizontal rectangle is : 25x 90 = 2250
then Area of 3 is 3x 2250= 6750
Area of 1 vertical rectangle is : 16 x 90 = 1440
Area of 3 verticals = 3x 1440 = 4320
NOW find area of
Floor,. 2 vertical walls,. 1 back wall
Floor area = 90 x (25+25+25) = 90x 75 = 6750
Vertical walls = 2 x 25x ( (16+16+16)+(16+16)+16) = 2x 25 x 96 = 4800
Back wall = 90x (16+16+16) = 4320
SO finally add all these 5 results
6750 + 4320 + 6750 + 4800 + 4320 =
Resulting in finally = 26,940