2 votes
I just need to know what I'm supposed to do:

Dans cette unité, tu auras un peu de recherche à faire sur L'Impressionnisme. Ecris un rédaction d'au moins 500 mots en français sur le mouvement. N'oublie pas d'inclure:
une definicion de L'Impressionnisme
deux hommes peintres et deux femmes peintres du movement
le peintre que tu préfères
pourquoi tu préfères ce peintre

and what does "projet préliminaire" and "Enregistrement magnétique" mean?

2 Answers

7 votes
projet préliminaire=preliminary project which means
1.preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business;introductory; preparatory:preliminary examinations.noun, plural preliminaries.2.something preliminary, as an introductory or preparatory step,measure, contest, etc.:He passed the preliminary and went on to the finals.3.a boxing match or other athletic contest that takes place before themain event on the program:A preliminary was fought at 8:00.4.a preliminary examination, as of a candidate for an academic degree.
User LaRae White
6.2k points
4 votes
what you need to do is_ years this unit, you have some research to do on Impressionism . Write an essay of at least 500 words in French on the move. Do not forget to include :a DEFINICION of Impressionism two men and two women painters painters of movement the artist you like why you like this painter

"project préliminaire" and "Enregistrement magnétique means preliminary draft " and " Magnetic Recording.
User Techmaster
6.9k points