First of all to make our equation simpler, we'll equal

to a variable like 'a'.

Now let's plug

's value (a) into the equation.

Now we turned our equation into a quadratic equation.
(The variable 'a' will have a solution set of two solutions, but 'x' , which is the variable of our first equation will have a solution set of four solutions since it is a quartic equation (
fourth-degree equation) )
Let's solve for a.
The formula used to solve quadratic equations ;

The formula is used in an equation formed like this :

In our equation,
t=16 , b=-41 and c=25
Let's plug the values in the formula to solve.

So the solution set :

We found a's value.

So after we found a's solution set, that means.


We'll also solve this equations to find x's solution set :)

So the values x has are :

Solution set :

I hope this was clear enough. If not please ask :)