first, convert so bottom numbers are the same
so find the smallest numbber that al of them will go into
first find th efactors
110=2 times 5
5=1 times 5
6=2 times 3
so the answer is 2 times 3 times 5=30
bottom number must by 30
1/10 times 3/3=3/30
2/6 times 5/5=10/30
3/5 times 6/6=18/30
6/10 times 2/2=18/30
least to greatest the order is 3,10,18
since3/5=6/10 they are equal so the order is
3/30,10/30,18/30,18/30 or
1/10,2/6,3/5,6/10 or since 3/5 and 6/10 is equivilent it is also