The case Roe v Wade is the name of a judicial case of 1973, by which the Supreme Court of the United States decriminalized - by a divided decision of 7 against 2 - induced abortion in that country.
Jane Roe gave birth to her daughter while the case had not yet been decided. The baby was given up for adoption. Roe v. Wade was finally decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, leading to a historic decision on abortion. According to this decision, most anti-abortion laws in the United States violated the constitutional right to privacy under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The decision forced to modify all federal and state laws that proscribed or restricted abortion and that were contrary to the new decision.
The central content of Roe vs. Wade is that «abortion should be allowed to the woman, for whatever reason, until the moment the fetus becomes" viable", that is, is potentially able to live outside the womb, without artificial help». Viability is placed close to seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even in 24 weeks. Prior to this "viability line", the Court held that abortion should be available when necessary to protect the woman's health, which the Court broadly defined in the Doe v. Bolton.