They're pretty much gods that Greek and Rome worshiped but Greek and Rome gave them different names.
Greek (First to name them):
Zues - God of sky
Poseidon - God of sea
Hera - The goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth
Hades - God of the underworld
Apollo - God of sun
Artemis - Goddess of the hunt
Hermes - Messenger between the gods (Was the only one to be able to to the underworld)
Athena - Goddess of wisdom
Aphrodite- God of love
Ares - God of war
Rome (Second to name them) (gave their names after planets except for 3):
Zues - Jupiter
Poseidon - Neptune
Hera - Juno
Hades - Pluto
Apollo - Apollo
Artemis - Diana
Hermes - Mercury
Athena - Minerva
Aphrodite - Venus
Ares - Mars