You guys takin the test on edge?
Step-by-step explanation:
Heres the whole quiz:
1. state the issue
It refers to the major problem question you have in mind about what you want to make a decision.
T think about options
Next step is to consider all possible options you have , identify them and state them
R rate consequences
Think about the consequence of implementation of each option you have.
O organize thoughts.
Now decide which options needs to be taken in account.
N narrow possibilities
Think of all possibilities associated with the option who have considered.
G go over decision
2. T
3. Stop and admit that you simply created a poor call and do not solid blame on others. Trust whom you'll sit down with and discuss choices to correct the situation.The key factors in correcting a poor call are rethinking that call once more.
4.Every decision has consequences that affect the person making the decision as well as others involved. These consequences can be immediate or longlasting. The consequences of decisions can be positive, negative, or a combination of both.
5. F
6. B
7.Poor decisions are made when people have poor decisionmaking skills, when they do not consider the consequences of their decisions, when they do not understand all the factors involved in decisions, when they make decisions based on emotion, or when they make decisions impulsively.
8. A
9. Internal factors that affect decision making include attitude, emotions, and ethics. Attitude is how you react when faced with making a decision. It is best to have a positive attitude because it often helps one see more options as well as make decision making easier.
10. T