Jaja wants to be a concert violinist more than anything in the world. She practices for hours, preparing for an audition at a prestigious music academy. Jaja's friends invite her to go ice-skating and tell her that her crush, Liam, will be there. With the audition only three weeks away, she knows she needs to keep practicing, but she also wants to spend time with her friends and Liam. Though it is a tough decision, Jaja decides to stay home and continue practicing. At the audition, she blows the judges away and gets a full scholarship.
Which part of the passage is most clearly the conclusion?
A. At the audition, she blows the judges away and gets a full scholarship.
B. Though it is a tough decision, Jaja decides to stay home and continue practicing.
C. With the audition only three weeks away, she knows she needs to keep practicing, but she also wants to spend time with her friends and Liam.
D. Jaja wants to be a concert violinist more than anything in the world.