A Many white Southerners supported segregation laws.
Step-by-step explanation:
"Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever, ” proclaimed George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, over fifty years ago, where he showed that many white Southerners supported the laws of segregation. His racist rhetoric, of which George Wallace prided himself, was accompanied by a wide variety of atrocious acts: homicides, lynching, and systematic violence against African Americans and those fighting for civil rights, often committed with the support of governments. and state-owned or even organized by them.
Nevertheless, the struggle for equality won and won victories such as the approval of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Right to Vote of 1965, affirmative action and integration into schools by court order. However, following the Supreme Court ruling supporting the ban on affirmative action on admission to Michigan state universities, and due to the new wave of school segregation, Wallace's dream of “segregation forever” seems to be more alive than ever.