Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry that flourished at the dawn of the 1600’s and it was the opening section of a large poem.
Later on it began to be regarded independently as another poetry genre, featured by being a poem with a fixed structure of 3 lines, with no rhyme, usually written in the present tense and holding a word specifying a season (the Kigo).
Matsuo Basho, (or simply "Basho") was a Japanese writer born around Kyoto in 1644; Basho took his name after a present from a student (a Basho tree); Basho was most recognized by creating a poetic structure called "haibun" (haiku+prose); he died in 1694.
A motif is an idea, or situation found in various documents,
Common motifs in haiku poems are: Nature, Change, Time.
The motif presented in the second line of the haiku by Basho is: "Change"