Tuesday, July 1, 1997, marked Canada Day, a national holiday. Gila and Tom Ramsey had decided to celebrate the day by taking one of the Discovery Walks for which the city was famous. Getting off the subway at the Lawrence Subway Station, the couple intended to meander through Lawrence Park, Chatsworth, Blythwood, and Sherwood Park Ravines.
June had been incredibly hot and dry. The brush and undergrowth along the Don River were like tinder, ready to explode into flame at the slightest chance. In fact, there had been small fires at various places along the river in the past week. The chief of Toronto’s fire department had declared an emergency. People could no longer cook food on a grill or barbecue in the river’s rain system. Of course, some people didn’t follow the fire chief’s instructions.
As Tom and Gila wandered through the ravines they could smell meat cooking on grills. “Typical!” said Tom. “As usual someone believes he’s immune to trouble
What type of figurative language does the author use when describing conditions in the ravines?