A tree can be involved in the carbon cycle as follows:
-Photosynthesis: energy from the Sun to convert CO2 into carbohydrates and oxygen
-Respiration: convert carbohydrates and oxygen to produce energy
-If the tree dies: oxygen use and CO2 release
Step-by-step explanation:
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Its quantity is controlled by the carbon cycle. The first step of the carbon cycle is photosynthesis and respiration in plants, through the following chemical reaction:
CO2 + H2O + energy «CH2O (carbohydrates) + O2
In the day, plants use the sun's energy to transform CO2 plus water into carbohydrates and oxygen, known as photosynthesis. At night, they use carbohydrates plus oxygen to generate energy, called breathing. If the plants burn or die and decompose, the reaction takes the path on the left; use of oxygen and CO2 release. If organic matter (dead trees) is deposited in sediments, CO2 that belongs to the atmosphere is stored