The answers that are fully correct regarding 20th century Republican election results are:
- won majorities in the House, Senate and won the Presidency in the middle of the century.
- elected Dwight D. Eisenhower twice.
Both of those correct answers involve Dwight Eisenhower, as it was the case in the 1952 election that Republicans gained control of both houses in Congress for the first time since the Depression era, and also won the presidency. (Note: The Republican lost their Congressional majorities in 1954.) Republicans had also won the presidency and control of both houses of Congress at earlier points in the 20th century, such as the 1900 election which brought Teddy Roosevelt into the presidency. They held that control throughout T.Roosevelt's two terms in the White House. The Democrats took back control of the House of Representatives in the 1910 election (under the Taft presidency), and followng that a Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, took over the presidency. The Republicans won back control in 1920 with the election of Warren Harding as president and reassertion of control of both houses of Congress.
Dwight Eisenhower won the presidential elections of 1952 and 1956.
The option about Ronald Reagan is almost correct, because Reagan did win the electoral votes of all but one state (Minnesota) in 1984. However, the win by Richard Nixon in 1972 was an even stronger win for the Republicans. Nixon also won all but one state (Massachusetts) in electoral college voting. But Nixon's margin of victory in the popular vote in 1972 was larger than Reagan's in 1984. Nixon got nearly 61% of the popular vote in 1972, far ahead of the 37.5% his Democratic opponent got. Reagan's share of the popular vote in 1984 was 58.8%, with the Democratic candidate getting 40.6% of all votes.