Pro tip! Use this magical thing called dimensional analysis. It works on the principle that you are converting a unit to another unit. More in depth, it
cancels out the unit you don't want! So, in this case we want to cancel out the
kg unit. What do I mean by cancelling? It's the same concept as 2/2 they cancel out because 2/2 = 1. Units work in a similar fashion. When two of the same units are over each other they cancel out of the problem.
Remember, the numerator of a fraction is whatever is on top. The denominator is on the bottom!
Explanation aside let's use it in a problem!

We want the denominator to have kg, so let's put the kg unit next to the ? in the denominator.

Now, glance back at your conversion rate and look at what the over unit is. In this case it is pounds (lb). So put that next to the ? in the numerator.

The ? are to be filled in with the conversion rate. Meaning 2.2lb per 1kg. So wherever there is the unit for lb, you put 2.2 in. Same thing for the kg unit.

Multiply across. (Multiply the numerator by the numerator, and denominator by denominator!)
The problem can be rewritten as this:
0.427kg * 2.2lb
The final answer to this problem is:
0.427kg*2.2lb = 0.939