1. Roots: anchor the plant in soil and absorb water and minerals
2: Stem: Holds the plant upright and bear leaves, branches and fruits.
3. Leaves: Carry out photosynthesis to make food for other plant parts.
4. Flower: serves as organ of reproduction to maintain the continuity of the species.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Roots: The cells of roots are specialized to penetrate the soil deep to anchor the plant and absorb water and minerals for nutrition of plants.
2: Stem: The cells of stem impart mechanical strength to keep the plant upright and bear leaves, branches and fruits.
3. Leaves: Cells of leaves have chlorophyll pigment to carry out photosynthesis to make food for other plant parts.
4. Flower: Some of the cells of flowers produce male and female gametes that fuse leading to seed formation. Seed germination maintains the continuity of the species.