People, not just those in a workplace, but all people are psychologically influenced by the organizational culture they live or work in. In the workplace scenario, the organizational culture exists to give the impression that not only are the worker's financial needs being met but so are some of their behavioral needs. Their financial needs (their paycheck/salary) will keep being met as long as they play by the rules and adhere to the culture of the organization. In fact, if they invest themselves enough into the culture, they are in a better position for promotion and thus a rise in their financial income. That particular carrot is used literally every day in thousands of corporations to motive people to "sell out" to the company's culture. The meeting of behavioral needs is similar. You get a pat on the back, a gold star, a spot to speak at the next department meeting and other emotionally uplifting recognition for investing yourself in the culture. Conversely, there is a fear of no recognition if you don't invest yourself. And for a lot of corporate employees, that is motivation enough for them sell out to their company.
People will do their level best to change their psyche and behavior, even the way they think and believe, to meet the culture of an organization. You could also ask the question..."How does organizational culture play a role in the educational system psychology?" and you would find the same kinds of answers from the staff/teachers as well as the students.