Step-by-step explanation:
The setting of a story consists of time frame in which the story takes place. It is pure irony that this story is happening in a Carnival, a cheerful, celebratory time of the year in Italy. The location of the carnival season is portrayed as a disordered, confused atmosphere which also associates with the main characters’ complex relationship. As the characters travel through the streets of the carnival to the all-time low of Montresor’s underground cemetery, the atmosphere of the story becomes more gloomy and threatening. It is ironic that the brightly clothed Fortunato is taken from the celebrations, their journey beneath the palazzo also emblematically represents Montresor’s descent into darkness and shove into the darkness of Montresor’s domes to meet his death. The poor quality of the air, which can hardly even keep a torch’s flame burning; this foretells Fortunato’s death as a dying flame. This concealed location is picture-perfect setting for a manslaughter.