individuals had the right to possess firearms for lawful purposes was District of Columbia v. Heller
Step-by-step explanation:
The United States Supreme Court has ruled that the federal states can not limit or prohibit citizens from owning firearms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. By repealing a Chicago (Illinois, northern) ban on firearms possession, the highest court in the United States has ruled unconstitutional any restriction in this regard by states and local governments.
The decision, passed by a majority of 5 to 4, extends to all cities and states the 2008 Supreme Court decision in Washington DC that Americans have the constitutional right, enshrined in the Second Amendment, to have and carry weapons, including pistols. However, in announcing the Supreme Court ruling, Judge Alito noted that since the 28-year ban on the possession of firearms in Chicago, the rate of gun or revolver murders has increased in that city.
Cities with stringent gun laws, such as Chicago, had resisted the 2008 Supreme Court ruling - originating in a case in the nation's capital, known as the District of Columbia Vs Heller. They argued that it was not clear that the principle of the Second Amendment was applicable to local states and laws.